Welcome to Birth From Above!
Hello! My name is Alex. I am a former labor and delivery hospital nurse turned holistic doula, birth coach, advocate and educator.
Our current medical system operates in a state of fear. Many providers believe that intervention is always necessary and that birth cannot work without assistance. I will show you how birth works and provide education on when interventions are actually necessary. I will help you understand that birth is normal and natural. I will be an advocate for you and I will fight for you to have the birth experience that you want. When you are able to get rid of fear, you will experience less pain, have an easier birth, and actually enjoy your birth experience.
When we know better, we do better!
How can I assist you to have a fearless and joyful birth?
Download your FREE Labor Prep Guide HERE!
I am not currently accepting new doula clients as we are expecting our 6th baby. Please message me for my partnership package option if you are interested in doula services.
I am still offering complete birth coaching packages for the entirety of your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Message me today for more details!
- Registered Nurse (Bachelor's of Science in Nursing)
- Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC)
- Certified HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator (CHCBE)
- Certified Doula (CD)
- Certified Healing Birth Trauma Practitioner
- Breech Pro 2.0 training (Breech Without Borders)
- Limited Obstetric Sonography training
- Homeschool mama to 5

My personal Experiences with Childbirth:
- Birth #1 in the hospital + pitocin + epidural + posterior presentation + doula
- Birth #2 in the hospital + epidural + pitocin + AROM + shoulder dystocia
- Birth #3 in the hospital + epidural + subchorionic hemorrhage
- Birth #4 in the hospital + epidural + prodromal labor + shoulder dystocia
- Birth #5 in the hospital + water broke at the spa + no interventions + redemptive
- Birth #6 due in early May + planning for our first homebirth